As you are all aware, unfortunately we can no longer continue the operation of our centre due to regulations set by the government to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus. This measure is in the best interests of everyone’s health and we must abide by these rules which also means that we will not be able to allow any use of our centre during this time.
This restriction has put many sporting organisations at extreme risk and as a result of this both our centre and your club need your help and support more than ever. These difficult times, with no source of funds coming into the centre, has the potential to put us on the verge of ceasing operation entirely - even once the restrictions have been lifted. As life goes on and although the board is minimising operational costs where possible, the centre is still required to pay bills and other running costs whilst not in use. I implore each and every one of our valued members and others in our community to please assist us in any way that you can.
If anyone involved in the club has a business that is currently able to continue operation, we would greatly appreciate any assistance you may be able to offer. If not now then possibly once things are back to normal.
Likewise, any other business or individual that may be kind enough to consider any form of support to help us survive this crisis.
It is understandable that at this time not all of you may be able to help and some of you may be worse off than others but for those of you that are able to help, now is the time to band together and help your club survive.
If you are to help financially support the Ballarat Squash and Racquetball centre in any of the following forms:
* Sponsorship
* Donations (including continuation and sign up of our direct debit service - $16 per week)
* Equipment purchases
* Club Memberships
Ballarat Squash and Racquetball’s culture is strong as we have already had such a wonderful response from some of our members in regards to financial support and we sincerely thank them for doing this but we still need as many of you as possible to get on board and support us in any way you can. Country sporting clubs need the community to survive just as the community needs sporting clubs, so please help us where you can and together, we will get through these tough times.
Best regards and well wishes in these trying times,
Board of Mangement
Ballarat Squash and Racquetball Association